Monday, June 28, 2010


Never doubt His love, His strength, His power.
Never go a day without His guidance, without seeking His face.
Would you go a day without telling your spouse that you love them? Exactly.
Take the time, its well worth the journey.

Friday, June 4, 2010

Yesterday a woman passed away. The few but profound words of her husband have changed me.

I have known and loved Jesus my savior for about eight years now. Of course He has loved me all along and kept me out of more trouble than I could come up with by myself. Not that I didn't try really hard; but that's another blog.

Her name is Karen Stewart. She is Pastor Jeff Stewart's wife from Calvary Chapel Pomona Valley. I only met her once when she spoke at our women's gathering at church. She was beautiful and vibrant and shone of God. You could see it in her eyes, the windows to her soul. She spoke about the hard stuff we all go through and how God uses all of it to win our hearts to Him.

So when I read that she had passed on yesterday I cried, but not because of the family's loss, because of their gain, because of Pastor Jeff's words: "...we just sang Karen into the arms of Jesus..." how beautiful! All I could think was that's how I want to go, worshipping my creator who I will meet any moment. That's how I want my parents and Tov's parents to go. I want to be standing there singing them into the arms of our wonderful Lord.

I've given thought to this before. It never struck me as it has this time. I feel like...I'm ashamed to say I finally get "it". I feel a renewed spirit in my life. Yesterday the Lord had Victory in a believer's life and it has lead to victory in mine.

Thank you Pastor Jeff and Karen Stewart. Your face in the midst of adversity has changed me and I am sure coutless others. I pray my life can effect another in the same way.