I just reread my post from October of last year. It ends with being excited to see the next chapter in life. And that chapter so far is a wonderful one. I haven't written in a long time, not for lack of things to share, I just haven't had the time.
God is moving so much in our lives. He's teaching me to wait on His timing, a lesson that I am very greatful for. I'm learning to be happy with what I have and not to covet more. Which honestly hasn't been hard. My goodness, He has given me so much and I am so undeserving and overwhelmingly praisefilled for. This man that is now my husband has taken on the role of father and husband with such care and deligence. His love for us overflows in everything he does. Even when working overtime he takes time to come home and have dinner with us, even though that means working longer. We cry together and pray together, we hold each other and love together. I have never felt so taken care of and warm and secure. To the Lord be all the praise. He has formed this man into one extraordinary husband and father.
My baby girl (yes, she'll always be my baby) has adjusted so well too. You can see that she now has security too. She adores her dad, loves to share her day with him, even when she's knows she didn't respond right in a situation at school, even in the midst of trying to cover it up by making light of it, still she opens her heart because she trusts him with everything. Her heart has flourished and grown in the past eight months as she has experience the love of an earthly father that she could only pray for in the past. Again, all glory to the Father. He has answered above and beyond what either of us could have ever prayed for. And we prayed, believe me. Chrystal prayed for Octavio specifically to be her dad and God answered. Lord you are good.
Thank you Father for being the author of my life, no one could've written it better. Please bless others as you have my family and bring them to a point where their sight is not hindered by the darkness that life can bring. Father, may we all focus on your love and light and shine for all to see. Thank you, thank you, thank you. Amen!